You are here: About system maintenance > Backup and recovery > Backing up Project Portal data and files

Backing up Project Portal data and files

In Project Portal 2015, the data is stored in two locations; properties (metadata) is stored in the database, and attachment files are stored in the server file system.

It is recommended to back up all data once per week. To cause as little disturbance as possible, this should be done when the Project Portal is least used (e.g. on the weekend, or during the night). An incremental backup should be done daily.

To back up the Project Portal database, use the standard backup tools provided by the Oracle database server. To back up files stored in Project Portal 2015, use the standard file system backup tools on Project Portal server.

Please remember to make backups even when using RAID, as that alone is not adequate for ensuring the preserving of data.

For full backup, the system should be stopped to ensure consistency in the backup (i.e. the synchronization between the file system and the database). Doing otherwise may lead to inconsistencies, depending how much Project Portal is used during the backup process. For further details, see section Off-line/on-line backup.